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Firearms Surrender and Protection Orders: North Carolina

In this webinar, originally titled Firearms Surrender, Retrieval and Protection Orders: Research and Practice in North Carolina, Dr. Moracco reviews the findings and recommendations of a study she co-authored in 2006, Preventing Firearms Violence Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation…

Author: Beth Moracco, The University of North Carolina at Chapen Hill

Trends in Firearm Legislation and Case Law

This webinar, originally titled Recent Trends in Firearm Legistlation and Case Law, provides an overview of legislative changes and recent firearms case law, including discussion of state-specific implications and potential changes to the federal law.

Author: Jonathan Lowy, The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Domestic Violence, Firearms, and the Military

Discussion in this webinar includes triggering the federal firearms law, nuances of prohibitions, possible implications for service members, as well as similar state firearm prohibitions. Whether you work for the military or work in a civilian community-based organization or program,…

Author: Sarah Henry

Federal and State Firearm Prohibitions

Part One of this webinar explores both federal and state gun prohibitions related to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. Firearms in the hands of batterers pose a significant threat to law enforcement, survivors and the community. There…

Author: National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit, BWJP

Miami-Dade Firearm Surrender Model

These model forms on firearm surrender were provided by Miami-Dade Domestic Violence Court. These forms provide examples of orders for return of firearms to seizure and surrender policy and procedures.

Author: National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit, BWJP

Intersection of Domestic Violence and Firearms

This article provides an overview of the various roles that firearms play in a domestic violence context. The role of firearms in domestic violence-related homicides is enormous and beyond controversy. Firearms are used to commit the vast majority of domestic…

Author: Kristine Lizdas, BWJP

Enforcing Firearm Prohibitions

This report provides an overview of firearm laws and information on model programs and promising practices as they relate to the removal of firearms from abusers in the United States and tribal jurisdictions.

Author: National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit, BWJP