
Federal and state laws provide crucial tools to address the intersection of domestic violence and firearms. But these laws alone will never be enough — they require thoughtful, consistent implementation and enforcement to make a meaningful difference for victims and survivors.

The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms helps communities put these laws into action by providing technical assistance, training, and resources. Our comprehensive resource library containing research, legal guides and practical toolkits and our tailored training and technical assistance build communities’ capacity to increase safety for victims and survivors, their children and families, first responders, and communities at large.

Foundational Resources

Firearms Relinquishment in Cases Involving Intimate Partner Violence: How to Structure Effective Protocols For Your Community

This resource details the importance of having a firearm relinquishment protocol in order to ensure that people who become prohibited from accessing firearms related to their perpetration of intimate partner violence (because they are subject to a domestic violence protection…

[WEBINAR] Understanding U.S. v. Rahimi: Practical Considerations

This webinar summarizes the case and the Court’s decision, as well as identifies practical considerations for courts, attorneys, prosecutors, law enforcement, victim advocates and others for implementing the federal domestic violence protection order firearm prohibition in light of the Rahimi…

Understanding The Difference Between a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) And an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO)

What is a DVPO? A domestic violence protection order (DVPO) is issued by a court to protect a survivor of family or intimate partner abuse/violence. A DVPO requires the person subject to the order (i.e., the person who has committed…