

[WEBINAR] Probation & Parole Strategies to Disarm Domestic Violence Offenders


This webinar will provide an overview of firearm surrender protocols that have been implemented in various settings across the country. There are three types of this protocol: court-centered, front line law enforcement-centered, and probation-centered. Although this workshop emphasizes the probation centered protocol, it is not intended for probation agents exclusively. It is instead intended to explore the strengths of probation centered firearm surrender protocols, especially in collaboration with the legal system overall. It is therefore intended to address law enforcement, the judiciary, domestic violence advocates, prosecutors, and probation officers through civil and criminal justice protocols and how all these team members can work together. In addition to statistical research, the presenter also explores the practical application of surrender protocols as well as practical tips on implementing firearm surrender protocols in your community utilizing either federal or state law to your benefit.