Federal and State Firearm Prohibitions
March 26, 2013
Part One of this webinar explores both federal and state gun prohibitions related to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. Firearms in the hands of batterers pose a significant threat to law enforcement, survivors and the community. There are currently federal laws that prohibit certain people from purchasing and possessing weapons. Many states have enacted similar legislation. The primary focus of this webinar is on the federal statutes and their relation to state firearm laws related to domestic violence.
Part Two of this webinar explores coordination amongst federal counterparts and included discussion of current community efforts to address firearms in the hands of batterers, as well as strategies for removal of firearms from domestic violence offenders, and strategies to aid in preventing the transfer and return of firearms to prohibited persons. The importance of creating a coordinated community response to firearms that addresses use, possession, and removal to enhance survivor safety will is highlighted.
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