

Non-Fatal Firearm Uses in Domestic Violence



Non-Fatal Firearms Uses in Domestic Violence analyzes the pervasiveness of batterers using firearms in nonfatal domestic violence to control their partners. Estimates vary regarding the frequency of firearm use, but national estimates suggest that 4.5 million women are threatened and 900,000 women have a gun used against them in their lifetimes in the United States.

While much of the focus on the use of firearms in domestic violence is on homicides, nonfatal uses of firearms in domestic violence impact a greater number of people in the United States. Despite this, nonfatal uses of firearms in domestic violence is an understudied area. This paper reviews what we know about firearm access, frequency of use, and outcomes of firearm use in domestic violence. To view Non-Fatal Firearms Uses in Domestic Violence, click here.

About the Author

April M. Zeoli, PhD, MPH is an Associate Professor and coordinator of undergraduate studies in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. She received her PhD from Johns Hopkins University, and her MPH from the University of Michigan.